Treatment methods for chronic lower limb varicose veins

Date Submitted : 22/09/2023- 72 View

Chronic lower limb varicose veins are not life-threatening, but if left for a long time, they will lead to persistent complications that are difficult to treat. Depending on the condition, severity of the disease and physical characteristics of each patient, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment methods.

1. Medical treatment to treat chronic varicose veins of the lower limbs

The purpose of medical treatment in treating chronic lower extremity varicose veins is to prevent reflux and help the forces acting on the venous flow better. Patients need to make appropriate lifestyle and work changes such as:

  • Elevate your feet when resting
  • Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time
  • Exercise regularly, especially muscle exercises
  • Wrap your feet with an elastic bandage or wear elastic socks
  • Control your weight, avoid obesity
  • Have a reasonable diet, increasing fruits and vegetables and fiber to avoid constipation
  • Practice deep breathing

In medical treatment, depending on each specific case, the doctor may prescribe drugs to support the treatment process such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, anticoagulants, and clot-dissolving drugs. blood clots, drugs that strengthen blood vessel walls, drugs that increase venous tone... In some cases, local injections of drugs that cause fibrosis of the blood vessels are also injected.

Các phương pháp điều trị suy giãn tĩnh mạch chi dưới mãn tính

 Practice deep breathing

2. Treat chronic varicose veins of the lower limbs with sclerotherapy

In cases of severe dilatation or complications, medical treatment is ineffective and the patient is forced to undergo surgery. Treatment of chronic varicose veins of the lower extremities with surgery is quite effective, with a low recurrence rate. The patient will have surgery to strip veins, repair valves, remove varicose veins, percutaneous vein shaping... In which, removing varicose superficial veins is a Stripping method using specialized tools. Used to help draw out the veins similar to when making chicken intestines. Chivas surgical method to remove varicose veins of the perforator system...

3. Treat chronic varicose veins of the lower limbs by surgery

In cases of severe dilatation or complications, medical treatment is ineffective and the patient is forced to undergo surgery. Treatment of chronic varicose veins of the lower extremities with surgery is quite effective, with a low recurrence rate. The patient will have surgery to strip veins, repair valves, remove varicose veins, percutaneous vein shaping... In which, removing varicose superficial veins is a Stripping method using specialized tools. Used to help draw out the veins similar to when making chicken intestines. Chivas surgical method to remove varicose veins of the perforator system...

4. Treat chronic varicose veins of the lower limbs with high-frequency waves or lasers

Radiofrequency embolization is a method of using heat to destroy tissue through the friction of ions in the tissue under the influence of alternating current with a frequency between 200 - 1200 MHz. This method is often applied to patients with varicose veins of the lower limbs grade 2 or higher (according to CEAP classification) or patients who have received aggressive but ineffective medical treatment. Ultrasound patients with reflux in the venous system can also be treated with this method.

The general principle of laser endovenous treatment is to release sufficient energy into the vein to destroy the vein with irreversible physiological reactions.

Advantages of treating chronic lower limb varicose veins with radiofrequency or laser:

  • Less invasive
  • Less painful
  • Patients can stand up and walk immediately after intervention
  • Patients can be discharged from the hospital the same day
  • Fast recovery time
  • Ensures aesthetics, leaving no scars

5. What to do to prevent chronic varicose veins of the lower limbs

Các phương pháp điều trị suy giãn tĩnh mạch chi dưới mãn tính

Drink lots of water, at least 2 liters/day

  • Change your living and working habits: don't sit in one place or stand for too long. It is necessary to change positions, stretch and bend your legs regularly so that blood can circulate
  • Drink lots of water, at least 2 liters/day
  • Wear supportive elastic socks
  • Weight control
  • To avoid complications, early treatment is needed. After treatment, regular check-ups are needed to promptly handle unusual problems.
  • Master - Doctor Cao Thanh Tam has many years of experience in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases; Perform transthoracic echocardiography in the field of internal medicine and interventional cardiology; Perform other non-invasive functional tests in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Currently working as a Cardiologist at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital since November 2015.

According to: pure/


How to treat varicose veins in the legs at home

Varicose veins in the legs cause pain, fatigue, aches and heaviness in the legs. Bulging veins also affect aesthetics, making patients lack confidence. Patients should refer to ways to treat varicose veins at home to effectively treat this condition.